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"SUPER" Ilavallarens Super

Imported de Sweden
Date of Birth 02/04/2014
Tricolor Female
Medium coat
Weight 14kg
Size 49cm

Breeder: Sanna Arpo (Ilavallarens)

Full dentition and correct bite

Hips A, certified by Setov
Elbows 0, certified by Setov
Shoulders OK, OCD free

CEA carrier by Combigen
MDR1 free by Combigen
CL free by Combigen
IGS free by Combigen
MH free by Combigen
TNS free by Combigen
DM free by Combigen
Glaucoma and Goniodygenesis free por Combigen
Sensory Neuropathy free by Combigen
Dental Hypomineralization free (Raine Sindrome) by Combigen
PLL free by Combigen
Cistinuria Type II free by Combigen
Hyperuricemia free (HUU) by Combigen
Hiplaxia 1 and 2 free by Combigen
EAOD carrier by MyDogDNA

Combigen Border Collie Pack and complete Pack of genetic diseases in MyDogDNA, free of 209 diseases, CEA and EAOD carrier.
Sable carrier

Agility Standar A3
Herding instinct

Agility World Champion Wao 2017 in Penthalon
Fiona Cup Champion 2017 (Danmark)
Qualified for WAO from 2016 to 2018
Qualified for EO from 2016 to 2019
Qualified for AWC 2017 and 2018


Bjursvallarens Ax [SWE] Herding


Gk vallh pr Ila [SWE] Herding


Super is a very easy dog in daily life, she really loves people and other dogs. She is very calm and relaxed at home and on walks.

At work, she always gives 120%, she run with all her heart. We like her “cat” movement over obstacles, her jumping technique, long steps, her acceleration and electricity. She has also been an easy dog to teach, she always wants to please and she has a lot of head and understands everything very quickly and perfectly. She has not had any problems or conflicts with anything, she can correct her as much as you need and she never gets frustrated. As soon as you meet her, you see how expressive she is, just perfect in everything and a very special dog to us.