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BREAK Smart As A Whip A Heartbreaker

Date of birth 31/01/2019
Black & White female
Smooth coat

Sire: Welshriverdee Wildest Performance [SWI] Agility
Dam: Mind The Dog Guilty Summer [ITA] Obedience

Size 49 cm
Weight 12 kg

Full dentition
Correct Scissor bite

Hips A, certified by Setov
Elbows 0, certified by Setov
Shoulders normal; OCD free certified by OFA

CEA,MDR1, CL, IGS, MH, TNS, DM, GG, SN, SR, PLL, HUU, EAOD free certified by Combigen and MyDogDNA.

Agility Standar level 3

PREGO Bullet Proof from Half of Me

Imported from Italy
Date of birth 23/08/2018
Chocolate male
Smooth coat

Sire: Why Not Zet From My Queen [POL] Agility 
Dam: Bizzy Bee Quick Angel [POL] Agility

Size 53,5 cm
Weight 16 kg

Full dentition
Correct Scissor bite

Hips  A, certified by Setov
Elbows 0, certified by Setov
Shoulders normal; OCD free certified by OFA

CEA, MDR1, CL, IGS, MH, TNS, DM, SN, RS, PLL, HUU free certified by Combigen
GG carrier certified by Combigen

Agility Standar level 2






3 Males Black & White

Proudly introduce you our three males (again) from Break & Prego ♡

They born with 430gr and got one kilo with one week old!

Airland Gonna Be My Paradise -PARADISE-

Black & white male, smooth coat

Live in Spain with Marta Laguna 

Will practice Agility

Not tested yet

Airland Golden City -CITY-

Black & white male, smooth coat

Live in Spain with Jonathan Guillem

Will practice Agility

Not tested yet

Airland Give Me Power -ZARZAS-

Black & white male, smooth coat

Live in Spain with Alejandra Zalaya

Will practice Agility

Not tested yet